Whatever it is, the way you care can make all the difference.


Drip Community

We’re building a community that cares!
We aim to promote awareness of the impact the food industry has on the environment. Being a part of this industry, we understand how single use items are causing serious pollution to our home. Our landfills are filled with thousands upon thousands of single use packaging waste on a daily basis, just from food deliveries alone.


Make it count.



Education and awareness on recycling in this industry is key to making a difference. We aim to educate our customers as well as like business owners on how to recycle their order packaging properly, to consider their impact on the environment by the over use of unnecessary packaging, and help them in finding better solutions. When they win, we all win!


We’re building a Community Garden together and planting seeds to reduce our carbon footprint! We are committed to building a community garden within the city with our customers and industry partners help. Customers will receive seeds to plant with each direct order to our business. These seeds can be planted at home, or harvested for planting in our communal garden space. We aim to on-board food businesses like ours, and work together with our customers. To find out more, click here.


Grow your efforts by sharing what you’ve learned and help someone else in becoming more conscious of their ordering and recycling habits. Share your knowledge and wealth with another business. Help them find solutions and ways in which they can help that wont cost them anything. Plant more and more trees and seeds, or share yours with someone else and pass the favour on and watch your seeds grow. Build a base, sew a seed and grow your own community!